Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The show started with Morgan coughing and Fred complaining he would catch something. (Ever notice the show always starts with something about Morgan?)


Morgan says this is where kids should be all year

Wednesday’s Top Topic: Should the school calendar be changed?
 The current law does not allow school to start before August 25. It was put in place to help out the travel business. But there is a proposal to allow that to change and districts to make their own schedule. CMS is considering the 2nd Monday in August as the start of the school year.
 There is a poll asking staff, parents and students (asking students if they want more school? Maybe Lisa Simpson! But Bart?) to vote on which calendar they want. Actually anyone on the Internet can take the poll. Even if you live in an igloo in the Artic as long as you have Internet access.
The poll can be found at the
CMS website.  The poll ends April 30.
   Fred stated He does not have kids so does not care. Morgan brought up that Fred does not have any children – he knows of. Evidently Fred’s mother was in the studio so the conversation was kept a bit low-key.
 Fred believes Kids need the summertime and Kids need to be kids.  Morgan said No, No, no, (Think she disagrees) Kids need to be in school year round. Get rid of summer vacation. Fred went to summer camp. Morgan did not enjoy her summers as a kid. She said she had to shovel manure during summer vacation. She would rather be in class than shovel manure. (poor Morgan!)

 They brought up the eliminations from American Idol. Two were eliminated.  Lil Rounds and North Carolina’s own Anoop Desai. In the background you could hear Morgan say “Do you want to talk about this?” but they just moved on to the next story. This is the first time I can remember they just skipped right over an American idol report without discussion. And no X’s over the pictures of the eliminated contenstants.


No shoveling manure for these students

 Jack Johnson played to some elementary school students in Hawaii singing about Earth Day. (It must have made Morgan hapy the kids were in school!) This was in part from Johnson’s Kokua Hawaii Foundation. 

 Fred seemed to have trouble tonight speaking words. It was decided to call his “new words” Fredisms. 

 They disscussed about whether Earth Day worked. Fred thought that one day does not work. It should be Earthday everyday or it won’t work. Either you recycle or you do not. Morgan, thought atleast once a year there was thinking about it, planting a tree or recycling. (I recycle every day) Morgan’s quote of the evening “One by one we can change this universe.”

 Next was a report about a company that recycles bodies into pencils. They can convert a human body to about 240 pencils. The box has a sharpener so the shavings can be saved. (Fred said something really funny but forgot what it was now. Thats why you have to watch.) This idea is the brainchild of designer Nadine Jarvis. A cremated body’s ashes are converted to the carbon in the pencils. The person’s name is imprinted onto the pencils. You can order yours HERE

The NewsEdge is giving away Free tickets to the upcoming races at Lowes Motor Speedway. To enter and contenst rules go to the Fox Charlotte web site

 Murder, Mayhem & Mathis brought news of a new play at the new Stage Door Theatre. Shear Madness is Charlotte’s all-time longest running hit. It will be playing through June 6. Order Tickets through the Blumenthal Center

 On the Edgy Stories: a 5 year old was sent home with poop in his backback. Susan Graham, a teacher at Apple Valley Elementary School included a letter with the poop that said “This little turd was on the floor in my room.” The boy’s mother discovered the package when he arrived home. Evidently this was not the first time the boy has had an accident. He keeps spare clothes in the backpack for this purpose. (hope he did not keep his snacks in the backpack too.) Fred suggested the boy should wear a diaper. Morgan said that would be embarressing. (AND WHAT DO YOU CALL POOPING ON THE CLASSROOM FLOOR?!!)

 Did no one call in tonight at 332-EDGE? Lately they play the responses the same show but they did not play anything tonight. The show is better when people are involved.

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