Our staff has been working with Mailing List management and E-mail marketing even before websites existed on the Internet. Back then E-mail was used for many purposes even beyond normal communication. Functionality has increased over the years and we have found stronger ways to use E-mail. Still, E-mail is one of the most under-utilized Internet tools.

We work with several E-mail & List management systems and have a strong core knowledge of Internet E-mail itself. Where other companies often fall short is understanding both the mailing list management systems and Internet E-mail. Just because your E-mail is sent does not in any way guarantee its delivery to a recipient’s Inbox. In some cases, E-mail may not entirely be sent from your own mail server/account.

Mailing List management also can be much more powerful then just a listing of E-mail addresses. They can be used to hold information such as: birthdate; age, male/female, married/single, address, hobbies, rent/own home, coffee/tea/soda, favorite detergent, You get the idea! This information can be used to pull from a larger E-mail list only people who match certain criteria. You could send a discount coupon for the people in the larger list who have a birthday coming up. If you sell clothes, send an email with only women’s clothes to women and an email with only men’s clothes to men. Additionally you can integrate any of the information into the body (Text) of the email.

Newsletters are another important Internet tool. While they can be used as a form of advertising, often they are more often used to keep your name, brand & product/service in front of potential customers. Newsletters allow more in-depth information to the consumer to aid in purchasing your goods or services. If you were a carpet cleaning company you would explain why it is important to keep your carpet clean to extend its life and health benefits. For a Fitness center to alert members to new equipment, class schedules, personal trainers and supplements/diet aids without making a hard sell.

We can assist in proper marketing of your products, services or website and how best to integrate into an E-mail system.